The role of the crankshaft position sensor is to determine the position of the crankshaft, the crankshaft angle is. It is usually with the camshaft position sensor to work together - to determine the basic ignition timing
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Capacitive Accelerometer
Capacitance-type (with changes in acceleration caused by the change in capacitance sensing mass) acceleration sensor is the most common in today. Irreplaceable in certain areas, such as airbags, cell phones and other mobile devices. High yield and low cost makes such sensors. However, this low signal to noise ratio of the sensor is subject to a low, limited dynamic range. All capacitors type acceleration Crankshaft Position Sensor has an internal clock that (~ 500kHz) is an essential part of the detection circuit, the output signal due to leakage often be disturbed. The frequency of this noise is far higher than the measured signal frequency, generally will not affect the measurement result, but it is always and test signals superimposed. A built-in amplifier chip, which generally has a 3-wire (or 4-wire differential output) interface. DC power supply will be able to work as long as there is. Capacitance type acceleration sensor working bandwidth is generally limited to a few hundred Hz, partly because of its internal structure with a large and heavy air damping. Capacitance type acceleration sensor suitable for measuring low-range acceleration, the upper limit is generally less than 100g. In addition to these limitations, modern capacitance type acceleration Motor Position Sensor, in particular a level meter of the device, with good linearity and high stability. Capacitive acceleration sensor is usually appropriate onboard test, low cost is a factor. For low-frequency exercise test, acceleration generally low, they are an ideal choice. Such as civil engineering vibration testing.
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